Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mmmmm....Snails!!! (eww!!)

Yep I actually ate snails, ewwwy ewwwy...
Why?....My french class and and I went to "the Little Snail" resturant in Sydney.
It was really fun...
I ordered
-French onion soup..Num num num
-1 dozen garlic snail...not so num num
-chocolate mouse..very num num!

Here's a whole heap of pics.....( no scrapping..sorry )

So yes....



Sar said...

Can't wait to see these pics scrapped....think i'll have to keep you a pack of felties with the snail, babe!!! Luv Sar

michelle said...

Hi Em, I just joined Savvy and popped over to check your blog. I just had to try snails and french onion soup when I visited France. Loved the soup, but the snails were like bits of rubber in garlic butter. Tried them once, never need to eat them again. lol

SlaterGirl said...

Well your a brave one.
went to france, and got offered snails, refused STRAIGHT away! haha.
did you die your hair? it looks great! love ya

KerrynF said...

Your blog looks gorgeous Em!
But I think you should be commited for eating those slimy things YUK!!!